Helping your child stay calm during the transition into a new school year!  

These days, school is looking a lot different due to COVID. So there will be a lot of schools providing online instead of in person. With all of these changes brings some stress to your whole family including your children. Essential oils are my all time go to help support emotions. Here are a few ways to incorporate oils to help with the stress and anxiety that comes with all the changes.

Wearable diffusers! These are a fantastic way for your children to be able to have the advantages of the essential oils during the whole day in or out of the house. Wearing a necklace or a bracelet that allows for use of essential oils. Here is how it works, there are stylish necklaces that have felt pads inside it’s locket-style magnetic enclosure. All you have to do is put a few drops of your favorite essential oil or blend on the felt pad and enjoy the benefits for hours. The same goes for a bracelet made from lava stones so it soaks up your favorite oils. Having a wearable diffuser can create an emotional support for your child during the changes that might cause extra stress.  

Diffusers in the car and home! I try to involve essential oils in every facet of my life. I have a diffuser in about every room of my house as well as each vehicle we own. Being able to experience aromatherapy in the early morning car rides or first thing in the morning at the house can be a real life changer! It can really help your child wake up in the morning and create a positive mood for the day. It also can work as a soother at the end of a stressful day to help instill a sense of calm after a long day for your child. This will benefit your children if they are going face- to- face school or at home school. There are also essential oils and blends that are effective at staying alert and focused during school time. 

It’s a great way to create a smooth day all around!

When your kids have their own diffusers, they are much more likely to want to learn more about essential oils and why they can help. There is a book that I have read and I thought it was such a great book for kids to help explain about essential oils. Check the book “A Day Without Oils” by Joe Bell and share with your kids.  It’s written in a fun, easy-to-understand to help inspire your kids to realize how essential oils can help them too! To find out more about essential oils, feel free to message me or Essential Oils with Gilda



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