Hey There!
Early Childhood Educator + Mother of 4 + Essential Oil Wellness Advocate…
I have over 25 years experience in education from being a Childcare Director, Team Leader, Workshop Presenter, Cheerleading Coach, Grade Level Chair, Parents As Teachers Leader, Teacher of The Year to a classroom teacher, teaching all ages ranging from 3 year olds to 3rd grade!
I’m very passionate about education to say the least.
I’m a mom, I have 4 sons. All are very close in age. My oldest son and my identical twins are 16 months apart. My twins and youngest son is 3 years apart. So, my home was a busy one, to say the least when they were all at home running around with school and after school activities! I was constantly on the go, but wouldn’t change a moment. There were definitely challenges along the way having 4 kids under the age of 5 at one time and being a working mom! Oh the stories I have to share but that’s for a later time! Currently all of my boys are all still living together and are on their own personal life journey in Nashville as young men!
I’m a wife for 32 years and counting. I’m married to a wonderful man and loving father who has stuck with me through thick and thin.
I’m an animal lover and especially dogs! Which I have 4 of my own, yes.. 4!
If you ask my kids they will say that once each one started moving out, we slowly started gaining dogs. Which MIGHT or might not be true haha!
I’m obsessed with Essential oils and on a self- journey of a healthier lifestyle!
Down 60 pounds and continuing toward my goals! I’m taking my hubby along too, whether he likes it or not! :) The pantry and fridge definitely have changed and it has not always been an easy road to stick to our healthy habits which includes food and essential oils daily! The struggle is real but finding the new ways and balancing the struggles is what I’m figuring out along the way!
Put that all together and you’ve got…