Alone time! Time well spent!
Moms are one of the busiest humans on the planet that I know! Whether you work outside the home or stay at home, your work is never ending. You’re constantly thinking about a lot ALL the time! What am I cooking for dinner? Are the kids eating the right foods? Am I allowing the kids to stay up too late at night? Are the kids watching too much TV? Is he crying because he didn’t get his nap out or is he getting sick? Did I forget to switch over the load of laundry? Those questions I know barely cover what is typically running through your brains when it comes to taking care of your family. So, let me say this… It is VERY important to find some ALONE time to make sure you are the best of the best! I know exactly what you are thinking right, I can NOT find time for myself! The kids need me and the house won’t function the way it should if I’m not here to make sure things are done! Well moms, here is the HARD truth…that is really not true! Not true at all! Yes, things might not go exactly how you want it to go when you’re not there but trust me if the kids are left with someone you trust, then it will be ok for you to be gone for an hour or longer! You will return feeling refreshed and ready to conquer all the things that didn’t quite get done exactly the way you like it. Just keep in mind, no matter what did or did not get done, as your kids are alive and well when you return then it was a total SUCCESS! They survived and you will be able to deal with whatever you need to deal with in a better state of mind! Here are a few good reasons you should think about finding that trusted person to watch your kids when you’re looking to refuel.
-Helps you discover and remember who you are! You are able to think in depth about things you like and don’t like personally as a women not necessarily as a mom.
-Improves your concentration and productivity. Constantly being around people you are easily distracted.
-Constant stress is linked to health conditions like depression, heart disease, and diabetes. Being a mom can be very stressful trying to solve family problems and taking care of others.
-Enhances relationships! Moms usually have a great relationship with their children but when you find alone time for yourself it will benefit your relationship even more with your kids.
-It teaches children that they don’t always have to be around someone. You are modeling and being an example for your kids. Helping your children realize that it is ok to be alone and don’t have to seek out company of others consistently.
So here is your homework for this week! Find someone you trust with your life and then ask them if they will watch your kids for an hour next week! Even if you don’t have a specific plan for that hour it’s ok, figure it out later! Right now make the conscious decision to take care of yourself first so you can be the best mom for your kids! Your kids will thank you for it later when they are older and realize when they have their own family why you left them with Aunt Maggie every other week! Ha Ha
Check out my top 5 things to do when you have your alone time!