What do I do? Online? Face-to-face? Homeschool? How do I choose what’s best for my child’s education?

First of all let me share, YES I am a public school teacher! But being in education in various forms over the past 25 years and having 4 children of my own, I have different experiences including homeschool, daycare, and private school. So, I’m going to share with you as a parent and an educator that I TOTALLY understand some of the viewpoints that are out there right now! Let’s just throw in the middle of the mix that me being a working mom not only by choice but also by necessity! Let’s sprinkle in having a high-risk pregnancy in the midst of it all as well!  


So, my thoughts and experiences combined is where I’m coming from when I say that I can’t imagine what choices I would be making today given the current situation if my kids were school age. My one advice would be HANG IN THERE! You are stronger than you think and my guess if you are searching for information and a community of other busy moms like yourself to be more educated then you already are, then you are WAY ahead of the game! Give yourself the grace to know you will make the right decision in the moment that fits your family. Don’t worry about other families and their personal choices when it comes to what they are deciding their educational path that works for their kids. Just know you have a maternal instinct that was GOD given and you need to listen to it not the outside world! Mother’s knows what is best and sometimes it might appear you are going against the whole world but keep in mind that as long as you have your best interest in mind for your family then you are making the best decision that fits what you want for your kids. Sometimes with the decisions you make come challenges of course! As when Art and I made the decision to pull our Middle school age kids to homeschool so they could pursue their music. Being a public school teacher were we judged as a family? You bet! Did we have family and friends question our motives and actions? Yes we did! But we decided, as a family that we wanted to do what we thought was best for our kids and their desires and dreams of being immersed in the music industry! We chose to allow them to grow as humans and expand their horizons with diving into the music industry and allowing them to find their way. So our educational path looked different than most. But different doesn’t make it wrong! It just means it’s different!


 So my advice to you during these challenging times trying to juggle work, home life, education, and some type of normalcy for your family I would encourage each and everyone of you to find your tribe! Find your people that will surround you and support you in your journey with being the best mom you can and making the best decision for your child’s education. Your tribe might be your church family, a group of moms that you talk to everyday, or your family! Whatever it looks like for you stay in touch with them. Bounce ideas off of them! Keep researching and being hungry for information to be well informed to help you be the mom you were meant to be…



Remember to HANG IN THERE! Stop by and lets chat! I would love to know your thoughts!


Alone time! Time well spent!


SIBLINGS! A household with kids that have differences and learning to get along!