Keeping up with your kid’s education during uncertainty!

As we all know the past 5 months have been a time of uncertainty for adults and children. Since, March the kids have been home and everyone across the United States were thrust into virtual learning! Which was quite the event to say the least! As a teacher, I found myself juggling and trying to survive in uncharted territory! On the other side of being a teacher there were parents of our kids trying to figure out how they were going to continue the rest of their child’s school year as they were thrown the curve ball that their child wasn’t returning to school for the rest of the year! Not to mention who was going to watch their kids while they worked or maybe they just found out they lost their job so they had to figure out their next step in providing food for their family AND educating them! 

With all of these unknowns that were being belted at all of us, we had to explain to our kids why they couldn’t go back to school, wasn’t allowed to see their friends, couldn’t go to their Grandparents house or even to the store! 


Along with all of the changes that happened so quickly, came anxiety trying to figure out what to say and how to handle the new situation we all found ourselves in the midst of! Children are pretty resilient but some things that they are not and that is invisible to all the emotions that have come along with all of these abrupt changes! It’s vital that we focus on keeping our kids as educated academically, socially, and physically. 


We are currently getting ready to head back into the new school year and there are still lots of unknowns and new protocols for the upcoming school year varying district to district. But there is one common thread among all of these schools and that is the well being of the kids and teachers getting ready to start the new school year. In some cases the children will be attending school face to face, some will be virtual, and some will be hybrid version. So, there are some basic strategies that you can do to support your child at your home no matter what the school year brings! Here are a few things to keep in mind!



When your child knows the day-to-day routine it will create predictability and reduce anxiety. During your daily routine ensure there is a balance of academic, social, and physical activities. Especially if your child will be doing school virtually there will be even a greater need for establishing a routine, with clear expectations of a wake up and bedtime along with school activities. 



Kids are used to moving around at school. If they are heading back into the classroom their movement will likely be restricted due to the new protocols so they will not have the movement they usually have during regular school days. Ensuring your kids are still engaging in activities at home will be vital. Getting them outside to ride bikes, jog, walk or jump on the trampoline. Staying active as a family such as board games or working on a project together around the house. 



Allowing your kids to stay connected with their friends and family is very important to help boost their mood and maintain their connections. Social distancing is vital but staying connected to friends is also important. If your child is at home giving them time to connect with their peers during their breaks like they would at school. If your child goes back to face to face school, keep in mind there wont be the social opportunities like there was before everything changed. Figuring out the technological choices that allow them to maintain their connections might be Facetime friends or having a Netflix Watch party. Nurturing the social side of your child is just as important as the academic and physical.



Even though we have been thrown a curve ball in our normal routines as parents as well! We can remain focused on keeping our children educated to the best of our abilities! Looking at things from their perspective and trying to maintain a balance for them to fulfill their academic, social, and physical needs will get them through these challenging times. Have peace in knowing that you’re not alone in this adventure! Reach out to other moms to find support! Please feel free to stop by my community page and leave your thoughts or comments! Or you can leave a comment below! 


Let’s chat! 



SIBLINGS! A household with kids that have differences and learning to get along!


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